One night my friend, my sister and I had a sleepover. It was 2 in the morning and we were still wide-awake. Everything was closed except for Super K-mart so we decided to head over there for a quick shop. At K-mart we were putting stuff in our pockets pretending to be the threesome bandits. My sister pretended to whip me. We put the stuff back and headed home. While walking out there was this small, hairy man with a revolver, but it sure looks like a shotgun on him, who called us back. I felt an explosion of fear when my friend’s gripped squeeze my hand really hard. He brought us in the room where they have the surveillance videos. The man told us that we shoplifted and we could go to jail. My sister tried to explain but he told her to stop being sexy cause it is not working. He frisked us and sat us down on the leather chairs. After frisking my friend he placed the handcuff on her. We were asked to leave the room. Then he called us back and said that she shoplifted so the ticket cost $145. We silently drove home.
There you go 199 words. Dont have a lot of blogger friends to tag so whoever wants to do it please feel free.
The instructions:
Write a short story of not more than 200 words, based on the following words which can only be used once!
The words:
1. sleepover 2. whip 3. handcuffs 4. leather 5. sexy
6. threesome 7. hairy 8. shotgun 9. squeeze 10. explosion
not bad at all!
thanks for doing it :D
It was sure challenging despite the fact that I do not really enjoy writing since that is not one of my strongest trait.
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