Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do dogs go to heaven?

Tore into pieces and some internal organs are missing, that’s what greeted my dad this morning when he saw Tiny in the middle of the yard. The shock of seeing someone that you have trained and taken care of for almost a year now was just indescribable. What are we going to tell my two nieces who adore that dog? I sure hope what ever ate Tiny would choke to death. Tiny you sure will be missed by many!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Are you getting what you paid for?

The news was covering a bunch of sushi places around LA and found out something really disturbing. When you go to a sushi place and order a red snapper you expect to eat red snapper. They found out that 7 restaurants have successfully fooled people and served them tilapia. Remarkably with the spices they put on the tilapia it does not taste any different from the red snapper. But that really sucks since red snapper is way more expensive than tilapia. They defended themselves by stating that it was a translation problem. NOT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

What a beautiful day! The sun is shinning brightly and I am in such a good mood. I was so ready to go to work and surprisingly I was going ahead schedule. Then….OH CRAP!!!! Where the hell did my license plate numbers go?? How the hell am I going to work now! I can not believe this they stole my f*ckin plates. If you suddenly see them being flashed all over CNN for a stolen car or high pursuit chase I would like to assure you guys that has nothing to do with me. Well after a long days of waiting in line getting a police report everything went fine since I have gotten new plates and paid only 18 dollars. What a day!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bwah!!!! I have not written any posts lately. If you are wondering why, well let me explain myself. Most people have one or two hobbies that they like spending most of their time with. Unfortunately I have realized that I am not one of the most people. My friends always tell me that I try to do everything at the same time and that I have to many hobbies which leaves me with no extra time to do anything else at all. Not only due to my hobbies but having two jobs drain so much out of me that I would rather lay down and think of nothing at all.

I am still hooked on Korean dramas and you know that takes a lot of time since its like 16-20 episodes per drama series. Then here comes my romance novels where I have purchased 60 of them through eBay. Next are my fiction novels and documentaries that I bought out of curiosity that still need my attention. My guitar skills need improvement. Then my craziness over Korean drama made me purchase the audio, learn Korean language in a month. Not to mention my Anime craze too. Then my recent purchase of the game console wii which will get me hooked for sure if only I had enough time. I still have to practice my anime illustrations. I have yet to finish the beanie that I started crocheting. Still need to go to the gym for the very extra pounds that need to be shed off. Let me see finally this blog that needs to be updated or else there is no sense in having one. Oh yeah still have to play with my lovable nieces in Chucky Cheese and my dogs in the park. PHEW!!!

Well as you can see that is some of my hobbies but yet time is so limited that it is so hard for me to choose which one I should do first.