Monday, April 19, 2010

A Perfect Afternoon

Nothing seems to go right today. I have decided to go to my secret place. Everybody goes to that park but somehow it brings me peace when I ride on the swing and relax. Hmmm! Ugh. I knew that this is a bad day. There is someone on the swing already. I unconsciously walked over to look at the person swinging away. It was a man with beautiful dark blue eyes. He looked up and met my gaze. I was so stunned to move. He slowly got off the swing and walked right passed me. Standing there, frozen like a rock I tried hard to collect myself. I blindly sat on the swing with a blank look. His eyes were so mesmerizing it makes me want to hold him and say everything will be fine. This is crazy. I do not even know the man. I started pushing the swing when I glanced up and saw him staring back at me. Convincing myself that this has to be a dream, I shook my head till it hurt. “Hello!” OMG! He is still there and now we have audio. Come on say something or he will think you are a lunatic. He chuckled and went behind me to give me a little push. Forcefully I was able to say “Hi”. He laughed again. “Have you been staring at me for a long time?” Hell no! Hell no! That is what I wanted to say but all I did was stare blankly at the sky. There was this awkward silence. When this silence thing goes on I always imagine a commercial coming up as if I was watching a show on TV. I finally gathered the courage to ask for his name. “Andrew, and you?” Marissa. He stopped pushing the swing and looked at me. “You know it is rude not to answer the question.” Huh, oh crap I thought I did. “Um, Marissa.” This is pathetic now he will really think I am dumb. “Well Marissa, nice to have met you today.” Now is the perfect time to wipe the drool off my mouth. I stared at his back as he walked away waving and laughing.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coping with Changes

I am the type of person that would notice a change when something is off from the norm. Coping with the changes is hard for everybody. It is hard to believe a person when they say that it does not bother them. Changes may be good or bad for some but it still something different from what you are used too and it is something to deal with once the change is final. After my big change in life I hate sudden suprises especially the ones that cause stress and pain.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Men vs. Women and my hatred in working out.

Yes my hatred in working out is growing bigger each day. I have been slaving my ass working out doing taebo and the combination of circuits and I have lost 6 pounds in three weeks. I was ecstatic about the result and here comes a friend of mine that hardly works out and yes he is a man lost freaking 10 pounds in one weeks. Now ask me what I feel? Ggggrrrrr........ Not to mention he eats unhealthy food while all I eat is green crap!!!!!!

What is Pride?

What is Pride, really? Is it pride when you do not want give up on your home or condo because you have worked so hard for it? Is it pride when you think that starting over is hard? Many people now a days are having the worst luck in keeping their homes. I may soon be part of that statistic if I do get laid off at work. But is it pride if I am hoping to find a better job even with the bad economy where good jobs are scarce? My whole family thinks that I am crazy but when you think of it selling the condo and renting somewhere is almost the same cost. I have a friend renting an apartment in an okay neighborhood which cost almost the same as my mortgage. So am I really crazy to not sell my home?